If your Instagram messages aren’t appearing in your Visito Inbox after multiple attempts, the issue is likely that your Facebook Page isn’t linked to your Instagram account.

Follow this checklist to resolve the issue:

[ ]  Use Chrome or Safari for the connection process.

[ ]  Check if your Instagram account is linked to a Facebook Page:

  1. Log in to your Instagram Business account.

  1. Go to your profile and select “Edit Profile.
  1. Under “Profile Information,” check if a Facebook Page is linked.
  • If no page is linked, follow these steps.
  • If a page is linked, ensure you select this page when connecting to Visito.

[ ]  Verify you have Admin access to the linked Facebook Page.

  • If you don’t have access, ask the admin to grant it using this guide.

[ ]  Ensure Instagram messages aren’t blocked:

If you’ve checked everything and still can’t connect, contact us at: emi@visitoai.com.